Building an Inclusive Campus Culture - BICC
The New Albany-Plain Local School District (NAPLS) is committed to creating a positive and welcoming culture to create a deep sense of belonging for each student. We will work intentionally to build strong relationships with students so they feel welcomed, listened to, and respected at school. We are committed to inspiring our school community to be accepting and willing to learn from and to build connections with individuals with various backgrounds and viewpoints. We recognize this work is not a sprint, rather, it is a marathon. We embrace the ongoing commitment required to reach our vision. Our district motto “Students First” and our statement of purpose adopted in 2016 codify that each and every student matters: To create a culture of accountability that achieves the best academic and developmental outcomes for each student.
We will develop a culture of belonging that builds trusting relationships with all students and their families; encourages and supports cultural awareness, knowledge, and skills; and creates opportunities for connectedness that lead to inspirational learning experiences that encourage and motivate all students and staff to achieve their best academic and developmental outcomes.
Cultural & Commemorative Dates - 2024-2025 School Year
BICC Building Facilitators (2024-25)
High School: Sarah Shon
Middle School: Hannah Macko & Jessica Swainback-Cummings
Intermediate School: Matt Ivosko & Deanna Sanidad-Pearl
Primary School: Emily Martin & Morgan Irick
Early Learning Center: Melinda Whitehead-Moran & Lindsay Ginnan